Moremi was the wife of the ancient heroes of ile ife westen nigeria,probably oranmiyan.she was a woman of a great beauty and virtue and had only son named ela. It happened that the city of ife was at one time in a state of frequent commotion and unrest,owing to repeated raids of a tribe of people called the igbo,these raiders used to make away with plunder,including their valuable with women and children,they called on their god but it refused to answer. Now moremi,fired with zeal and patriotism was determined to do what she could to free her country from this calamity,she was resolved to find out what the igbos are really areow to fight them,therefore she went to a steram name esinmirin and there made a vow to the deity she would offer the most costly sacrifice she could afford,her plan was to expose herself to the raiders and get caught and taken to their country where she could best learn their secret. At the next raid,she was caught by the igbos and taken to their country,beign a woman of great beauty she was given to their king,she became familiar with the people culture because of her beauty and she learnt their secret,she extracted from her husband the secret of attacking the people,moremi escape one day to her native land and by making use of the secret she had learnt fre her country forever from the raid of men who terrorizes them. She went back to the stream with her offering of lamb,rams and goat for sacrifice,but the god wont accept any of these,she then offered a bullock which the god also refused,the god demanded for her only son,she then gave up her only son,but her son was half dead when he was given to the god,he afterward revived and rose again and made a rope with which he climbed to heaven,and all ife’s to this day believed and have to this day that he will come back again and reap the full reward of his good deeds.